cept the cross dresser are going to be both satisfied and disappointed at the same time. Society will accept because it will no longer make any difference what one wears or how one acts as it will be a matter depend- ent on individual preference not of social dictation and training. At the same time it will be a disappointment because those who have been brought up on one side of a no longer existant line and who achieve pleasure and satisfaction from crossing it will no longer be able to do so because there will no longer be a line to cross. So the moral of all this girls, is to enjoy it now while you can. They'll take all the fun out of it later.
Anyway my final conclusion is that everybody is consciously or un- consciously seeking "wholeness" a state of non-division. FPia is just one of the techniques that has been found, there are many others. But we are all after the same thing. So the sooner we learn to recognize our need and accept our solution (dressing), the sooner we will achieve peace of mind in proportion to the degree of wholeness we achieve.
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